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Client Testimonials

I hired Mike and I’m glad I did! Mike is amazing! Mike has been an attorney for years and he knows his stuff! He cares about his clients and he will fight for you! He is a professional at his job and takes it very seriously. I would definitely recommend Mike to anyone who needs an attorney.

Sheryl Averill

Mike is awesome! He has helped my family and I threw several legal challenges over the years. Custody, divorce, criminal...he's been our guy. He is very affordable, very professional, and very good at his job! Thanks Mike :)

Kyristian T.

Mike is a very experienced professional dedicated to providing his clientele with the best service possible. He is affordable and helped me resolve previous charges at minimal costs. He provided a comfortable environment based upon clarity and legal direction and counsel. I would recommend him to anyone who is looking for the best Quality and Price!


Michael Murphy was a very good attorney that helped my divorce go very smooth. Not only did he help me get everything I wanted out of the divorce, but he did it for surprisingly cheap. He does seem a little old school, but I found it comforting because he knows what he's doing. I would recommend him to anyone.

Nick U.

I was referred to Michael Murphy through a good friend. He was great. I was just starting the divorce and custody process when I went to meet with him. He is a genuine attorney who made me feel like he wanted to help, and not just take my money. His price was more than reasonable and he helped me get what I wanted and needed from my ex. Michael made the process go as smoothly as can be expected in a divorce. He would even ask about my kids and how they were doing in school! I couldn't recommend him more, especially if you want an attorney who is honest.


Trust Your Case to an Experienced & Aggressive Attorney